Where does the time go????? We have been so busy here at the Davenport household that some things have been neglected like the blog!!! Girls are great and summer right around the corner (not today it is 64 cold...burrrrr). Addison will be 2 next week, we have a few trips planned this summer and the girls are going to camp a few times as well. When we are home we will be at our pool soaking up the sun!

This is totally her personality! She is a hoot!

Yes....that is Paula Dean! Love her!

Chris planting the garden.......can't wait for some
vine ripen tomatoes, cucumbers, beans & squash!

Hmmmm....someone loves the camera!

Waiting for the ice-cream man that
comes down our street daily!
Adorable! Miss you guys!!
The DDs are as cute as ever and getting so big!!!
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